Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mea Culpa, Knitting

Dear Knitting,

I admit it. I have been cheating on you with the really cool drop spindle I bought at the Fiber Event in Greencastle.

I am sorry that I used it so much during the first week that I had it that I have some repetitive stress pain.

I am sorry I blamed you for it, but I was working on that sock when I felt it and was forced to take the ibuprophen.

I am sorry I bought the cool bag for the drop spindle and fiber. I loved the water color effect on the fabric and it was handmade. I just couldn’t pass it up. I know I should have bought it for you, but you have so many little project bags I didn’t think you would mind. It was wrong of me, I know.

I did buy you that lovely skein of Briar Rose. I also got you that OOAK from FiberOptic.

I promise I will make it up to you. There is always Wool Gathering in the fall.

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