Sunday, April 19, 2009

Out of Control and Craving a Moment

The Rubicon has been silent not because I haven’t had anything word worthy, because I have. The Rubicon has been silent because things have been a bit out of control and I am on overload. Between work, school, family, and life, I have been a bit crazy.

Even worse, I am losing days and weeks of time without the luxury of a moment to mark its passing.

In other cultures, each day people take time to breathe. There is tea time in the UK; the espresso bar in Italy; coffee and croissants in France; and smoking of the herb in Amsterdam. These are daily rituals that keep life from getting too everything.

I think that we as Americans tend to see these breaks as a bit too self indulgent. What could be a more colossal waste of time than a cup of coffee or tea with nothing else – no crossword puzzle; no Sudoku; no book; no work; no knitting.

I have learned that it is during times like these one must rely on the sane counsel of others to keep perspective. I have learned that the practice of craft helps to keep one grounded. More importantly, I have learned that when things get out of control, sit down and watch the premiere of the new season of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Nothing like a little Goren action unraveling someone’s life who is more screwed up than yours to put things in perspective. Yes, it will set you right.

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