I began July with the best of intentions. I decided that this was the month that I would actually knit my socks for the Socks from the Toe Up knit along on Ravelry. I decided that this was the month that I would perform a complete decrapification of my house. Instead, July became a drama sandwich.
In the beginning, I was moving a long on my goals. I had chosen a lovely red hand dyed sock yarn from Fleece Artist for my knit along socks. I had done a decent job decrapifying the kitchen. I had organized pots and pans, purged the plasticware, and so forth. Then things started to go a little sideways.
Things got pretty intense at work due to some drama outside of my control. Although I am not directly involved, I am being super cautious about what I do and say.
I had a two day migraine one week and then a stomach virus the next.
I had the phantom short skein of Opal meltdown. For some unknown reason, I had forgotten that I had divided the skein into two, 50 gram balls. Then, as I was knitting sock number one, I fell into a pit of despair thinking that I only had enough yarn for the one sock. The next day I found the second skein.
I had the corroded battery fiasco that left me stranded, not once, but twice in as many days. The short story is that those stupid pieces of felt that are supposed to prevent corrosion are just a big waste of effort. Batteries really don’t work well when one of the posts is covered in corroded groody. The other reality is that I don’t function well standing in the rain with a socket wrench cleaning corrosion off a car battery on my way home from work.
Each time I went to knit night was another opportunity to be attacked by the jealously monster. It seems that my knit friends are all doing exciting things or getting cool swag. A couple went to Meg Swansen’s knit camp. One is planning a knitting and cooking tour of Italy. Another just got back from a cruise she took with several girlfriends and before than Disney World. This is the same friend whose husband got her the coolest knitting bag ever – a Tom Swift. Still another friend has done several cool knitting weekends. My dyer knitting friend is going to Sock Summit as a vendor.
Then there is pitiful me with a bad headache, the inability to be further than three seconds from a bathroom, with battery corrosion burns on a couple of fingers, knitting drama, and the plagues of Egypt. Life is woefully unfair. I may take to my bed for a month.
At least there are new episodes of True Blood, Criminal Intent, The Closer and Burn Notice to dull the pain.
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