Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Different Valentine's Day

For the first time since Hubby and I have been married, we had planned to spend Valentine's Day apart. Hubby was planning to spend his day with Cupid and his parents on the return trip from Conneticut. The plan was for them to make it home on President's Day.

As is par for our course, when most of the universe would be headed in the opposite direction of record snowfall, we are forced to make it a destination. Hubby's uncle died and he traveled with his parents to Conneticut for the funeral. Nothing makes for a better trip than crappy weather and grief.

I stayed home. I had work responsibilities and had caught a cold from one of the "super" employees at work. Everyone works with a super employee. They are the person who has to work longer, work harder, work sicker than everyone else. They feel it is a badge of honor to come to work with a fever and snot dripping from every orifice telling everyone ho w horrid they feel, but they came to work anyway. They are the person when you tell them to stay as far away from you as possible so you are contaminated by whatever plague they are carring only laugh and sneeze in your face as they tell you they aren't contagious. They are the person that you wish you could call those dudes in the Haz Mat suits to come get them and take them to that super secret location where they lock you in this room so that you can't spread your disease. I used to be that person in my 20's.

Now I honor sickness as a gift from universe to stay home, watch bad t.v, lay in bed and drink tea with lemon, honey and a good shot of whiskey if the symptoms require it. I don't feel compelled to drag myself out of bed, get ready for work and locate the stash of tissue boxes so I am not reduced to using the sandpaper derrivates at work. If I am really feeling the need, I might take an extra day just to keep from spreading the contagion.

But I digress...

My original plan was to go to visit my parents in Louisville. My mom made my favorite casserole (Chicken Noodle) and pie (Coconut Cream). I had my bag packed. I ended up not going because Snowmaggedon / Snowpocalypse just can't seem to be over. I was kind of glad that I didn't go as the snow was delayed by several hours and there was no way I would be able to come home until at least Tuesday.

Snowmaggedon / Snowpocalypse also meant that Hubby and parents decided to drive straight through. So while I was having an awesome burger with some of my knitting girlfriends, Hubby was calling to say he would be home about the time I got home. So because of the snow, we have a perfect record, albeit one saved by two hours.

One of the things that I like about Valentine's Day is that it gives you and excuse to buy one of those sampler boxes of chocolate. Another thing I like about Valentine's Day is that there is at least one good action flick with chick appeal. This year it appears to be Wolfman. I was disappointed it wasn't Shutter Island, but I can wait a week. If I had to say what my absolute favorite thing about Valentine's Day is that it is one of two events during the year - my birthday is the other - when I don't feel guilty about asking Hubby to eat at some exotic restaurant with cuisine that isn't on the top of his list of things to eat. We order and sit making googlie eyes at eachother until the food comes. Sometimes it is as we expected. Other times we have difficulty reconciling what arrived on the plate with the description in the menu.

While we are out to dinner, I enjoy watching the young couples. The sit so close while they eat an are completely mesmerized by each other. I like remembering what it was like to be stupid in love. Without the stupid insanity induced by love hormones, no one would ever get married or have a long term relationship.

Valentine's Day is the one day when even old married couples can remember their stupid in love days and perhaps even relive them.

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